
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Anatolian Shepherd Dog Breed

Large, rugged, and powerful, the Anatolian Shepherd Dog is no lumbering beast. Anatolian Shepherd Dogs are also agile and enduring. They are natural guard dogs, especially when it comes to tending livestock.

Here are the characteristics of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog breed as determined by the American Kennel Club's published breed standard.

The Anatolian Shepherd Dog's Behavior

Recommended for: watchdog

The Anatolian Shepherd Dog breed is recommended for guard dog duty because Anatolian Shepherd Dogs tend to be alert, calm, observant, courageous, responsive, adaptive, and above all loyal.

Remember that breed only provides a general clue as to any individual dog's actual behavior. Make sure to get to know dogs well before bringing them into your home.

Anatolian Shepherd Dog's Physical Characteristics

  • Size: male: from 29 inches; female: from 27 inches
  • Coat: Short to rough; neck hair is slightly longer.
  • Eyes: medium-sized, almond shaped, dark brown to light amber
  • Ears: V-shaped, rounded apex
  • Skull: large but in proportion to the body.
  • Muzzle: blocky.
  • Nose: black or brown.
  • Tail: long.

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