
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Argentine Dogo Breed

You don't want to tango with any Argentine Dogos: these dogs are tough! The Argentine Dogo breed (also called the Dogo Argentino) is a mixture of many breeds that were selected for their particular traits. What resulted was a large dog that can take on any predator when hunting.

The Argentine Dogo's Behavior

Source: Wikipedia, Dogo Argentino Club of America

Recommended for: pet, working dog

The Argentine Dogo dog breed is a relatively young breed.They are tough and brave, possessing great stamina. They are meant to be the most docile of hunting dogs yet they are reputed to possess an aggressive temperament, one of the traits that was sought for by its breeders. They are dangerous when irritable and are thus not suited to be with children. This has led to the banning of Argentine Dogos in some countries.

Remember that breed only provides a general clue as to any individual dog's actual behavior. Make sure to get to know dogs well before bringing them into your home.

The Argentine Dogo's Physical Characteristics

Here are some of the characteristics of the Argentine Dogo breed as determined by the Dogo Argentino Club of America's published breed standard.

  • Size: 23 1/2 - 27 1/2 inches
  • Color: white
  • Eyes: brown, set well apart
  • Ears: massive, convex front to back
  • Muzzle: concave upwards
  • Nose: black, full nostrils
  • Tail: long, thick, carried low

1 comment:

  1. great start to a blog about Dogo Argentinos! check out my blog for more info on this great breed!

    dogo information
